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D&D in a Tin

Elevator pitch

Say you're out camping with your D&D buddies, and you all wanted to play, you bring along

All have got to be contained somehow, which can be large and cumbersome.

Imagine instead, you could store what you need in a 9x6.5x2.4cm (~3.5x2.5x1 inches) tin box. Protected, together, safe.

Well — look no further, I have your solution.

How do I get this?

I don't actually have anything to sell right now. See here for the character sheet.

The rest you'll have to purchase for yourself.

Which I get is a pain as most of these things make sense buying in bulk. So it might be worth it talking to your group and all pitching in to get a set.

If you're in the UK and really want to get this, DM me on Mastodon and we'll see what I can do. £10 include postage and packaging would cover it.


Character sheet

This is something I have worked on the most. It's gone through various iterations.

I have settled on a single sided A4 printable that can be folded into an 8 page booklet with some cutting. This make it relatively simple for anyone to print and use for themselves, rather than faffing with staples and double sided printing.

Sure it doesn't look as professional, but, function over form.

Anyway, here is what a page looks like:

Page 4, various other stats, armour class, initiative, speed, HP (temporary and maximum,) passive perception, hit dice, inspration, custom trackers

It is licensed with CC BY-SA 4.0


The Tin

I mean, it's part of the name, it can't be too small else it isn't practical, too big and it defeats the point of the project. I think the size above hits a sweat spot. At least I hope it does, I've bought 10 of them.

I've chosen a tin without a hinged so that it can double up as a dice tray and writing surface.

Small Pencil

Need something to write with, and fit in the small tin

Pencil extender

A little superfluous, but tiny pencils are annoying, this makes it easier to write with.

Small Dice

Though I haven't tested (I am a heathen and don't have a set of polyhedral dice, instead relying on digital dice) I am guessing full sized dice would not fit very well, and it seems thematically appropriate to buy smaller dice for this project.

Eraser and Sharpener

Stuff needs rubbing out.

Pencils go blunt.


I feel like the character sheet is coming nearly to the point where I am happy with it as a deliverable.

The next step is other class specific templates, spells for example.

Spell Cards

My plan is to make a tool that allows a double page to be printed with spell information. I can pull content from the SRD, and allow custom spell information to be specified.